Unparalleled Ceramic Coating for Your Tesla

Elevate the protection and aesthetics of your Tesla with our bespoke ceramic coating services. At California Car Pros, we understand the uniqueness of Tesla vehicles and offer specialized treatments to match their elegance.

Why Ceramic Coating for Tesla?

Teslas are a statement, both in technology and luxury. Protecting its pristine finish ensures it continues making the bold impression you intended.

Specialized Treatment for Teslas

Our experts are trained to understand the nuances of Tesla vehicles. We use top-tier products and techniques to ensure a seamless application tailored for the Tesla range.

Tesla Deserves the Best

Your Tesla is not just a car; it's an experience. Let California Car Pros amplify that experience with a touch of enduring protection and shine.


The difference is clear

Superior Protection

Shield your Tesla's paint against environmental contaminants, UV radiation, bird droppings, and acid rain.

Enhanced Shine

Revitalize your Tesla's paintwork, intensifying its original shine and luster.

Hydrophobic Effect

Water and liquids bead up and roll off, ensuring minimal dirt retention and ease of cleaning.


Our ceramic coating provides durable protection, often outlasting conventional waxes and sealants.


Superior Vehicle Coating From California Car Pros

Asked Questions

This is where we answer all your questions. Check it out.

How long does the ceramic coating last on a Tesla?

With proper maintenance, our ceramic coating can last several years, offering enduring protection against various elements.

How long does it take to apply ceramic coating to a Tesla?

Typically, it can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours, depending on the Tesla model and its condition.

How should I clean my Tesla after ceramic coating?

For best results, use a pH-neutral shampoo and avoid abrasive tools. The coating simplifies cleaning due to its hydrophobic properties.

Does the ceramic coating affect the charging efficiency or range of my Tesla?

No, ceramic coating is solely for exterior protection and aesthetics. It doesn't impact the vehicle's performance or efficiency.

Can I drive my Tesla immediately after the coating is applied?

It's recommended to let the ceramic coating cure for at least 24 hours before exposing the vehicle to the elements.

Is a single coating application sufficient for my Tesla?

While a single application offers significant protection, some owners opt for multiple layers to maximize the benefits.

Will ceramic coating protect my Tesla from scratches?

While it offers a layer of protection against minor abrasions, it isn’t scratch-proof. However, it does make the surface more resilient to potential damages.


Ready to get started on your ride? Contact us or call us now to speak to a rep!